8 of 50: Go Red for Women – American Heart Association
With knowledge comes power, and when it comes to combating heart disease, having knowledge about who’s at risk is critical. Unfortunately, a mistaken notion has persisted for years that heart disease affects mainly elderly men. But that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Heart disease is actually the number one killer of women according to the American Heart Association.
Go Red for Women is an initiative designed to raise public awareness of heart disease among women. Its goal is to not only help women better understand their risk for the disease but also help them live a more heart-healthy lifestyle.
Spreading the word about women and heart disease—with the color red
Every year, employees at M3 wear red on the American Heart Association’s “National Wear Red Day.” The day’s purpose is to generate conversation on the reality of women and heart disease and help dispel the myth that it’s only a problem for men.
AHA is an invaluable health advocacy organization. M3 supports it with corporate donations and proudly participates in numerous Association-sponsored events throughout the year.