Pharmacy Solutions

Pharmacy is one of the biggest concerns for employers who want to maintain a robust benefits package while containing costs.

Today, options can feel limited and you might even lack insight into what your pharmacy contract is really offering you and your employees for the money.

Partner with Ethica Pharmacy Advisors, and take control of your pharmacy spend without compromising care.


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Meet Ethica Pharmacy Advisors

Ethica Pharmacy Advisors was created to shake up the pharmacy consulting experience. We’re here to give M3 clients the chance to say “yes” to control, and care.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Loyal to you, not PBMs, because we’re 100% independent.
  • No “gotcha” contracts thanks to our in-house clinical, legal and compliance experts.
  • 21st century tech so you can finally see how different price points and caveats affect what you’ll pay over time – before you commit.
  • Applied intelligence reporting for real-time insights and adjustments.
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Pharmacy Solutions led by a PharmD

Pharmacy benefits are complex… and costly. That’s why we brought in a clinical expert to help you address one of your fastest growing health care spends.

Connie Perry leads the Ethica Pharmacy Advisors team, bringing a new level of expertise, specialization, and service to M3 clients. Her 20+ years of experience creating strategies tailored to innovative employers represents a unique advantage in the marketplace.

Solutions Stack

  • Pharmacy Consulting Services to help you understand what is driving your pharmacy trend, cost, and utilization and provide insight into strategies that can lower the cost of prescription drugs while ensuring access to medications for employees
  • Custom RFP Services to provide a boutique experience to employers looking for an advocate in the marketplace for vendor selection and negotiations
  • Financial Audits that identify opportunities and validate outcomes

Ready to take a look at your pharmacy contracts?