Keeping “A People Business” Running Smoothly – and Safely

Education, Property & Casualty



McFarland School District


Jeff Mahoney, Director of Business and Technology Services at McFarland School District, calls his district “a people business.” Which make sense: The district has over 300 employees, 2,200 students, and is a $27 million operation with five facilities. Says Mahoney, “To have a safe school, we have to stay on top of those facilities. To have satisfied and healthy employees, we need to provide staff with resources and opportunities.”


Well-functioning facilities and well-informed staff make the district a better place for everyone.

Who does Mahoney look to for support? His M3 team of consultants. “I can only be proactive if I communicate with M3. If I think we have an issue, I ask them. I continually run things by them to see if they’re good ideas, and they’ll come back to me with options to consider. It helps me make better decisions.”

Mahoney’s vigilance is met with M3’s active involvement. “Safety is about avoiding issues,” notes Mahoney. “M3 is proactive on our behalf. They have the resources to prevent issues from occurring and they continually send us information that helps us create a safe and healthy environment. They are open to having a direct call from any one of our staff. If teachers have questions about student activities or field trips, they’ll simply call M3 and run their ideas past the team.”

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