Laczniak Featured in Cybersecurity Table of Experts

The Changing Cybersecurity Threat: Remote workforces, sophisticated hackers change the risks businesses are facing
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the ways businesses operate as well as the potential security risks that hackers leverage to gain access to corporate data. Milwaukee Business Journal recently joined together a panel of experts to discuss the new cybersecurity landscape and explore what companies – large and small – need to know about today’s changing threats.
The Table of Experts panel includes Derek Laczniak – Director of Cyber Liability at M3, Eric Torres – Director of Channel Development at Datto, Inc., and Paul Riedl, Jr. – CEO of River Run.
Purchasing insurance does more than cover the expenses associated with a breach. It also rents you a network of experts. It gives you immediate access to the people you will need – the legal, forensic and other specialists. That is why insurance has to be part of an IRP. In this day and age, it is not a luxury product. It should be a cornerstone of planning.
— Derek Laczniak
Director of Cyber Liability | M3 Insurance
For more valuable insight on how to personalize your cyber security plan to fit the unique, changing needs of your organization, contact your M3 account team.