Life Fatigue: Tools and Resources for Employers to Share with Employees
Employees in every industry are experiencing what we’re calling “life fatigue”, a general sense of disconnection ranging from aimlessness to depression, resulting from the myriad of challenges they are facing in society, from pandemic effects and inflation to global instability.
As an employer, your employees are looking to you now more than ever to have their backs. They want to know that they can count on you for not only a sense of connection, but for access to the tools and resources that can help them face life’s difficulties on a holistic level.
“If companies focus on connecting their workforce to loving their business and loving their culture, they can both win the war for talent and help people with their fatigue and their resiliency.”
M3 has compiled tools and resources below that employers can provide to employees to help them navigate their challenges, from mental health, anxiety, and depression, to caregiver stress and financial hardship.
Life Fatigue Tools and Resources: Wisconsin
Content and Courses
Well Badger Resource Center – one-stop for community, social, health, & government programs
ACCESS – provides eligibility support services for health and nutrition
Wisconsin’s Family Caregiver Support Programs
211 Wisconsin – connects you with thousands of nonprofit and government services in your area
Wisconsin Help for Homeowners – statewide program that can help with overdue bills like mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities, and more
UW Extension – courses and resources on topics from positive parenting to financial education
Coping with Stress – CDC – resources & information for dealing with stress at home, at work, caused by the pandemic, and other societal issues
Resources to Contact
- Prevent Suicide Wisconsin
- HOPELINE – emotional support text line for the State of Wisconsin
- Aging and Disability Resource Center
Northcentral WI
Content and Courses
Grief and Recovery Support Guide
Recovery Support During COVID-19
Resources to Contact
Content and Courses
Brown County Mental Health Navigation Guide
How to Talk to Your Anxious Child or Teen About Coronavirus
Mental Health and Substance Use During COVID-19
Resources to Contact
- MyConnectionNEW – mental health and substance abuse information, resources, and service navigation
- LEAVEN – stabilizes and empowers people in financial crisis by providing financial assistance, resource coordination, and case management to address their near-term and long-term basic needs
- Door County Caregiver Connection
Content and Courses
Resources to Contact
- Behavioral Health Resource Center – mental health and/or substance use services in Dane County
- Mental Health Support
- Mental Health Resources Guide
- Behavioral Health Partnership
Content and Courses
Psychological First Aid: Mental Health Distress During Disasters
Selecting a Mental Health Professional
Resources to Contact
Content and Courses
Emergency Toolkits for Natural Disasters
Managing Stress During COVID-19
Resources to Contact
Life Fatigue Tools and Resources: Illinois
Content and Courses
Illinois Department of Human Services
Northcentral IL Region
Resources to Contact