RISK INSIGHT: OSHA Electronic Recordkeeping Rule Delayed
Certain provisions of a final rule regarding reporting workplace injuries and illnesses require employers to electronically submit injury and illness data to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). However OSHA communicated to stakeholders on Wednesday, May 16, 2017 that it intends to delay the July 1, 2017 implementation compliance date for employers.
The final rule, Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses, was issued in May of 2016. The rule offered a phased compliance deadline for the electronic submission of employer record forms. In 2017, the rule called for employers who met employee head count thresholds to electronically submit their 2016 Form 300A by July 1, 2017. However the secure online portal that OSHA intended for submission of these forms has not yet been made available to employers.
OSHA communicated that they intend to extend the deadline to an unknown future date. The final implementation is unknown at this time. For further details about this rule and implementation, we encourage you to visit the OSHA website on this topic at www.osha.gov/recordkeeping.
When any significant news about this final reporting rule is released, we will provide you with further updates.
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