OSHA Region 5 Targeting Noise Hazards in the Workplace

Property & Casualty, Risk

Every year thousands of workers are exposed to hazardous levels of noise in the workplace. This has prompted OSHA Region 5 (includes IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI) to launch a local emphasis program targeting industries where high noise exposures have been common place. Their primary focus is manufacturing industries where hearing loss rates are higher than the national average.

OSHA Complaint Inspections for Noise Hazards

OSHA will conduct inspections for all complaints and referrals associated with hearing loss, high noise levels, and lack of personal protective equipment (PPE)

OSHA Programmed Inspections for Noise Hazards

OSHA may inspect any establishment listed according to the targeted industries through a random selection process

Scope of Inspections for Noise Hazards

The general strategy for inspections will involve evaluating noise exposures, reviewing hearing conservation programs, confirming training performed and content included, and assessing hearing protection use and adequacy

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand if your industry and establishment may be affected by this OSHA emphasis program
  • Review your existing hearing conservation program to ensure it is current and up-to-date, meeting the requirements of the OSHA standard
  • Perform updated noise exposure monitoring where operations have changed or if exposure monitoring has not been performed in several years to keep a current exposure profile
  • Identify potential areas where noise reduction controls are feasible and can effectively reduce noise exposures
  • Keep diligent and detailed documentation outlining the noise reduction and hearing conservation efforts your organization has actively pursued and continues to maintain to limit the opportunity for noise induced hearing loss.

Contact your account executive for more information.

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