Jay Brown CIC

Favorite Smell
Hickory BBQ
Book I Recommend
Raving Fans
Favorite Game
Fast Track
Never Have I Ever
Gone skydiving
I’d Eat That
Pot-au-Feu (boiled dinner)
Best New Thing
“Find my device” feature
It Takes Me Back
Whirley-Pop (Popcorn maker)
Hidden Talent
Any household repair
- Wisconsin-licensed property and casualty agent
- Wisconsin-licensed life and health agent
- Non-resident licensed states: Illinois, Texas, Iowa, Kentucky, Arizona, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina
- Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)
- Kenosha Area Business Alliance (KABA), member
- Rotary International, honorary life member
- IMAGE of WI, past president/executive & leadership steering committees