Jeanne Flanagan

Get to Know Jeanne

Jeanne Flanagan is the director of management liability at M3 Insurance. As such, she is responsible for the overall direction and strategy of the M3’s management liability resource group. She assists sales in the development and securing of new business while acting as resource to the account service team in the placement and servicing of management liability accounts.

  • Earned Bachelor of Science in business administration from the Barney School of Business at the University of Hartford-Connecticut
  • Gained 30 years of specialized management liability insurance expertise through leadership roles with various brokers
  • Joined M3 in 2019


  • Oconomowoc community volunteer

Helping ESOPs Navigate Management Liability Challenges

Many insurance carriers may decline to underwrite or entirely exclude coverage for recently established ESOPs.

Directors & Officers Liability (D&O) insurance for ESOPs excludes claims made under ERISA, and Fiduciary Liability policies often contain exclusions related to ESOP plans. And, ESOP fiduciaries are held to the same high standards of care as ERISA plans.

It’s crucial to work with a broker who specializes in ESOPs, is well-versed in the associated insurance implications, and has access to specialty carriers.

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