Ride Your Bike to School Day 2024

Education, Property & Casualty

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Communicate with your staff, students and families

  • Provide students and staff with information on biking safety. (See resources at the end of this article.)
  • Encourage all riders to wear helmets, including staff members.
  • Encourage all riders to wear bright clothing. Consider creating brightly colored t-shirts for kids to wear on the day of the event.
  • Anticipate biking routes through parking lots. Place extra orange cones, directional signs or have volunteers available to direct bikers to designated routes.
  • Remind bikers to walk their bike through congested areas and on school sidewalks.
  • Provide extra storage for bikes in an area where they will not create a hazard.

Communicate with the community

  • Announce the event to raise awareness of the increased number of kids on bikes that day.
  • Promote the event through social media and encourage community participation.
  • Students can make posters promoting “share the road” and “watch for bikes” safety messages to post around town at the library, community buildings and area businesses.
  • Contact your local news crew or have the school newspaper write articles for publication ahead of the event.
  • Team up with a local bike club or bike shop to help promote the event and offer bike tune ups.

Communicate with your municipality

  • Often Police Departments will host Bike Rodeos or similar events in the spring to educate families about riding safely. Some even give away helmets to kids.
  • Identify challenging intersections near school.
  • Determine if bikers need additional assistance with extra staffing, crossing guards or police patrols.
  • Consider the use of electronic signs to remind drivers to slow down and watch for bikes.

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