Risk Insight: COVID-19 Surface Contamination-Clearance Sampling Guidance Criteria

COVID-19, Property & Casualty, Risk

Laboratory Resources:

Hayes Microbial Consulting

Analysis Pricing: $165 per sample

Analysis Turn-Around-Time: 72 hours upon receipt. No rush turn-around available.

Lab Contact:

Dan Thomason – Director of Sales
Phone: 804-562-3435

Eurofins EMLab P&K laboratories

General Surface Test (detects variety of coronaviruses): $150/sample for 2-day turn-around and $225 for 1-day turn around

COVID-19 Specific Surface Test: $200/sample for 2-day turn around and $300/sample for next day

M3 Insurance Contact:

Paul Klein – Senior Risk Manager, CIH, CSP
Phone: 608-288-2843


Surface sampling can provide valuable information to assist in identifying the presence of COVID-19 within facilities. Sampling should only be performed to confirm if cleaning was effective or for post clearance sampling following decontamination. Thoughtful consideration determining your sampling strategy is a key factor if using surface sampling as a part of your comprehensive COVID-19 risk management approach.

Contact your M3 Account Executive or our in house certified industrial hygienist (CIH) for additional consultation.

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