Risk Insight: Update to OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application Login

In 2022 OSHA updated the process for employers to upload electronic injury data. Employers must now create a Login.gov account. Login.gov is a secure sign-in service used by the U.S. Federal Government. If you are unsure whether your organization is required to electronically submit an injury and illness summary a list of affected industries can be found here.
To properly report electronic injury data, organizations must create both an ITA account and a Login.gov account. All current and new ITA account holders must connect their ITA account to a Login.gov account using the same email address.
Steps to create a Login.gov account:
*From OSHA.gov*
- Visit OSHA and select the “Sign in with Login.gov” button.
- You will be redirected to the OSHA ITA Login.gov sign-in screen.
- Select the “Create an account” button.
Note: You must use the same email address for your Login.gov account that you use to access ITA to connect the OSHA ITA application with the account on Login.gov. - On the “Create Account” screen, enter your email address, select your email language preference, read, and acknowledge the Rules of Use by selecting the checkbox, then select the “Submit” button.
- Login.gov automatically emails you a notification that contains a hyperlink to continue creating your account. Select the hyperlink in the emailed notification to confirm your email and create a password.
- On the “Authentication Method” screen, select the method(s) that is most appropriate for you, then select the “Continue” button. Note: This is referred to as two-factor authentication and will help keep your account secure. You are encouraged to have more than one authentication method on your account.
- Follow the steps on the screen to provide the necessary information to complete establishing the two-factor authentication.
- Once completed, your Login.gov account will be created. Select the “Agree and Continue” button.
- You will be redirected to the ITA Login.gov entry screen. Select the “Continue” button. This will connect your ITA and Login.gov accounts and automatically log you into the ITA application.
Key Takeaways:
- OSHA updated the process for employers to upload information to their Injury Tracking Application (ITA)
- Organizations must create an account on “Login.gov”
- Organizations must have both an ITA account and Login.gov account
- Login.gov accounts must be connected prior to March 2nd
Please reach out to your M3 account executive for further questions.