Update to Enforcement of Fire Sprinkler Requirements for Multifamily Housing
The Department of Safety and Professional Services will resume enforcement of a code requirement related to automatic fire sprinkler systems in multifamily dwellings on April 19, 2021.
In 2017, the Wisconsin Attorney General issued an opinion stating that the fire sprinkler requirements in the state’s Administrative Code SPS § 362.0903 could not be enforced. The Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) stopped enforcing the requirement, but did not remove it from the administrative code.
That changed last year, when state Attorney General Josh Kaul issued an opinion stating the provision is, in fact, enforceable.
DSPS acknowledged this opinion, and has decided to resume enforcement of the code requirement beginning on April 19, 2021.
“Enforcing this provision will protect individuals and families that live in multi-family dwellings and it will protect the firefighters who respond to calls,” Dawn Crim, DSPS Secretary-designee, said in a statement.
Organizations should be aware of this change and take the necessary steps to ensure that multifamily dwellings meet the requirements of the code. For further information, please see this memo from DSPS, or reach out to your M3 account executive.