S3-Ep10: Applying ACA Applicable Large Employer Status in Unique Scenarios

Senior Compliance Attorney
What are the shared responsibility requirements under the Affordable Care Act for new employers and for employers whose businesses are part of a controlled group?
The ACA advises employers to utilize the look-back measurement method for tracking full-time and full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. However, what what if the employer didn’t exist in the previous calendar year?
And how should businesses, even those with fewer than 50 full-time/FTE employees, handle the ACA’s applicable large employer (ALE) requirements when they’re part of a larger group of businesses?
Proactively addressing these issues now can save time and prevent problems later. Tune in to this episode of Comply on the Fly as Karen explores IRS guidelines around these scenarios.
Listen Time: 5 Minutes
Please Note: This podcast and the contents herein do not constitute legal advice. Seek the advice of counsel for any benefit compliance related implementation guidance or strategy.