Bush and Heginbottom Featured in In Business Magazine: State of the Build

Director of Property & Casualty Captive Practice

The construction industry in the Madison area has faced many challenges due to inflation, the demand for multifamily housing, and the lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. All of these factors affect how construction projects are done. Additionally, stricter safety protocols and supply chain disruptions are making it tougher for the construction business to operate smoothly and grow.
In Business hosted M3’s Brendan Bush along with a panel of local construction and legal experts at the UW-Madison’s Fluno Center to discuss what commercial construction firms are wrestling with and their assessment on the future of “build”.
The Builders Risk Blueprint
Also read M3’s Ross Heginbottom’s column on Builders Risk Insurance, a form of property coverage designed specifically for builders’ risk, protecting against fire, theft, vandalism, and weather damage. It’s essential for builders, contractors, and property owners, offering financial protection during construction.
The Madison area is perfectly ripe for more industrial. You’ve got the land to do it. You have the infrastructure to do it. You have the workforce availability, and the biggest thing that’s driving it is the population demographics. So if you’re looking to make a distribution bet in the Midwest, I’d bet on Madison.
— Brendan Bush
Director of Property & Casualty Captive Practice | M3
While it’s human nature to think this may be unnecessary, that a large loss ‘isn’t going to happen to my project,” this coverage exists to protect you and all parties of the project if it does.
— Ross Heginbottom
Client Executive | M3