CMS Clarifies Extension of Deadlines for Group Health Plans

Senior Compliance Attorney
On May 14, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a bulletin concurring with the previously issued guidance by the DOL, Treasury Department and IRS. The previous guidance was issued on May 4, 2020 in regards to an extension of deadlines for certain group health plans during the COVID-19 National Emergency. Here is a synopsis of that guidance.
With this bulletin, the CMS is adopting a policy of relaxed enforcement to extend similar time frames applicable to non-federal governmental group health plans (plans sponsored by states, counties, local governments, school districts and any other public entities).
Confirming that the extension of time frames is not mandatory for non-federal governmental plans, CMS nonetheless encourages plan sponsors of these plans to provide relief to participants and beneficiaries similar to the relief provided in the previously issued rule.
Key Takeaway
This follow-up from CMS provides public sector employer plan sponsors flexibility in implementing the group health plan deadline extensions that are required for private sector employer plan sponsors. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your M3 account team.