S2-Ep24: The End of the COVID-19 National Emergency

Senior Compliance Attorney
Season 2 – Episode 24
Did the COVID-19 National Emergency end? I thought it was supposed to end in May.
Please note there is some debate whether the date of the resolution, April 10, 2023, is the actual end of the National Emergency or if it remains May 11, 2023. At this time, there is no clear guidance on which date should be used to determine the end of the outbreak period for purposes of the deadline extensions. If you have a deadline extension situation for events that occurred post June 10, 2022, please contact your M3 Account Team or your benefits counsel.
On April 10th, 2023, the federal government ended COVID-19 National Emergency. Allowing 60 days to the end of the outbreak period, this makes June 9, 2023 the official end date for deadline extensions. Tune in to this episode of Comply on the Fly to learn what this means for group health plan benefit purposes.
Listen Time: 3 min 39 sec
Please Note: This podcast and the contents herein do not constitute legal advice. Seek the advice of counsel for any benefit compliance related implementation guidance or strategy.
Season 2 of Comply on the Fly focuses on actual client questions, so send your compliance question to AskKarenB@m3ins.com and we’ll do our best to cover it in an upcoming episode!
Turn to M3 and Karen B. (Breitnauer) for quick and timely answers to the most common employee benefits compliance questions.