What’s Your Plan? Prepare for the Unexpected.
RegisterDate & Time:
8:00 am – 10:30 am
“Unexpected” is out of your control, but “unprepared” is a choice. Join M3 for back-to-back sessions that will provide insight and tangible takeaways to inform how your organization prepares and responds to business disruption.
Business Continuity and Incident Response
Crisis can strike any organization at any time – but only those who have a proven plan in place can come out the other side of an incident quickly, with tangible action steps and even increased good will in the community. Learn best practices for disaster preparedness, testing, and disaster response within your organization.
M3’s Rapid Response and Recovery Unit has decades of experience assisting clients in the creation and execution of their business continuity and incident response plans. In this session, Chris Halverson will highlight the critical pillars of an effective corporate response to a crisis:
Business Continuity – What your plan should include, and why communication with internal and external audiences is imperative to every step of the process.
Incident Response – What should happen within the first 24 hours of an incident, and what components of your plan are crucial to a successful response.
Cybersecurity: Risk Management, Risk Avoidance, and Risk Transfer
2021 saw an unprecedented wave of cyber-attacks affecting organizations ranging from Fortune 1000 companies to growing businesses. This evolution has forced the insurance marketplace to dramatically change their model for handling cyber risk, leading to increased scrutiny, extreme price changes, and decreases in coverage. There are fundamental things that organizations can do to prepare themselves, not only for a potential attack, but also for their upcoming renewal to make sure that they can retain cyber liability insurance coverage.
Key Takeaways:
- What are the minimums I need in order to qualify for insurance?
- What are key risk management items I need to have prepared in the event of a cyber-attack?
- How does cyber liability insurance work if I am attacked?
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
: 8:00 – 8:30 am (continental breakfast provided)
Presentations: 8:30 – 10:30 am
Hotel Marshfield
2700 S. Central Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
Featured Speakers
Chris Halverson, Director of Rapid Response & Recovery, M3 Insurance
Derek Laczniak, Director of Manufacturing & Distribution Practice, M3 Insurance