Flood Insurance FAQ
During this season of spring showers, the risk of flood is particularly prevalent. Anyone’s home can be hit by a flood. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to live in a flood zone, or even a sunken lot in order to experience flooding on a lower level of your home. Throughout our years of experience working directly with homeowners, we have seen flooding caused by river and lake overflow, and even accelerated melting of heaps of snow in early spring – not just heavy rains.
The information on flood insurance has not always been completely clear, with homeowners remaining unsure whether they have the coverage they need in order to protect themselves from a major flood-related expense. Though you may think that your home won’t flood, or that flood insurance is just another unnecessary expense, we have seen flood-related claims rise drastically due to a changing climate. It’s best to be on the safe side and protect your home and your belongings before you experience a flood event.
Doesn’t my homeowner’s insurance cover flooding?
Flood coverage is not included in a regular homeowner’s insurance policy. This specialty coverage can either be written on a separate flood policy or in some cases may be added to your existing policy in order to protect your home and belongings.
Who should get flood insurance?
It’s recommended that every homeowner purchase flood insurance. Because it is not included in your traditional homeowner’s insurance policy, floods represent a risk to one of your largest assets if not adequately covered by insurance. Flooding can happen to anyone, anywhere regardless of landscape or climate, so it’s best to be covered.
What is the waiting period on flood insurance?
Once we quote and bind coverage, there is typically a 30 day waiting period before the policy can be issued, though some carriers do not require this waiting period. With heavy rain seasons around the corner, it’s best not to wait until it’s too late to purchase flood insurance.
What is considered a flood?
The Federal Emergency Management Agency defines a flood as follows:
A flood is defined as a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres and two or more properties of normally dry land. Flood damage can be caused by the following water sources:
- Overflow of inland or tidal waters
- Unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source
- Mudflow
- Collapse of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined above
How can I prepare for a flood, or mitigate risk if water has come onto my property?
Here are a few important resources regarding preparing for a flood and action steps that you can take if you are experiencing a flood.
- Flooding Action: Preparation, Caution and Mitigation
- Water Damage Cleanup and Mold Prevention Guidelines
How can I get flood insurance?
Speak to your Personal Lines Account Executive for assistance obtaining flood insurance, getting a quote, and additional information on what a flood policy can look like for you.