S2-Ep4: Open vs. Special Enrollment

Senior Compliance Attorney
Our employee and the spouse are on the spouse’s health plan. We, as the employer, have an open enrollment period for July 1 start date, and the spouse’s employer has an open enrollment period for a January 1 start date. Our open enrollment period is over, but the spouse’s open enrollment period is now open. Can the spouse drop all enrollments during their open enrollment, and can the family now jump onto our plan?
In this Comply on the Fly Karen B. answers a client question about open vs. special enrollment periods. She covers how involuntary and voluntary loss of coverage impact eligibility under special enrollment differently. Tune in gain a better understanding of this complex coverage situation.
Listen Time: 3 min 49 sec
Please Note: This podcast and the contents herein do not constitute legal advice. Seek the advice of counsel for any benefit compliance related implementation guidance or strategy.
Season 2 of Comply on the Fly focuses on actual client questions, so send your compliance question to AskKarenB@m3ins.com and we’ll do our best to cover it in an upcoming episode!
Turn to M3 and Karen B. (Breitnauer) for quick and timely answers to the most common employee benefits compliance questions.