OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting Training – Senior Living, Social Services, Healthcare

Most employers with more than ten employees are required to keep an annual log of work related injuries and illnesses at each establishment to be posted yearly. In addition, some residential care facilities are subject to electronic submission of their injury/illness data.
In a recent webinar, M3 thought leaders came together to discuss OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements and provide guidance on complying with these OSHA standards.
Length: 45 minutes
Webinar participant questions, answered:
Q: How about a case where an employee is injured that required medical attention, has restrictions and is now released. The employee has an injury a month later and relates it to the previous injury (example: back strain from turning a resident in bed). Is the second incident a new case if it effects the same body part?
A: If the employee was released to full duty and considered healed by a medical provider at the time of the second incident, then this would be considered a new case for the OSHA log (if the second incident met one of the recording criteria – death, days away, days restricted/transferred, other recordable).
Q: Would you have a separate sharps injury log for each building just like a separate 300 form?
A: Yes, a separate sharps injury log and privacy case log are to be maintained at each establishment along with the separate 300 log.
Q: Can you explain what is kept with a needle stick privacy case?
A: A needle stick case is to be recorded on the OSHA 300 log as a “Privacy Case” instead of listing the employee’s name. A needle stick must also be recorded on the separate Privacy Log and Sharps Injury Log.
Q: If we have to count contract employee hours in our calculation do we also include their illness/injury information in our OSHA log?
A: Injuries and illnesses should be recorded on only one employer’s injury and illness log. In most cases, the host employer (facility) is the one responsible for recording the injuries and illnesses of temporary workers. As long as the host employer maintains day-to-day supervision over the worker, the host employer is responsible for recording injuries and illnesses.
Q: Are human bites considered privacy any longer?
A: A human bite is recordable only if it requires medical treatment beyond first aid, restrictions, days away from work or if it results in a loss of consciousness. If it meets recordability criteria, it would only be considered a privacy case if the affected area is an intimate body part, resulted in HIV infection or hepatitis, or if the employee requests their name be withheld from the OSHA log.
Q: We have three separate facilities under the same tax ID. Can I put everything on one log or do they need to be split by facility?
A: If they are three separate facilities they should have three separate logs.