Ross Heginbottom CPCU, CRIS

Get to Know Ross

Favorite Smell
My Inner Beast
It Takes Me Back
90s rom-coms
Don't Laugh At My…

Ross Heginbottom is a property and casualty client executive at M3 Insurance. Specializing in construction and real estate, Heginbottom builds comprehensive insurance and risk management solutions tailored to each individual client. He evaluates contractual risk transfer provisions to protect clients from unforeseen loss or liability.

  • Earned Bachelors of Arts in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Joined M3 in 2015


  • Wisconsin-licensed property and casualty agent
  • Charted Property Casualty Underwriter designation (CPCU)
  • Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist (CRIS)


  • M3 United Way Committee
  • Reach A Child, Development Committee
  • Make-A-Wish’s Madison chapter, Young Wish Makers of Wisconsin volunteer

Featured Author in Pulse: 2024 Property & Casualty Report

Welcome to Pulse, M3’s property & casualty report. Through the lens of rate and risk, we examine how the property & casualty market is affecting our clients across lines of coverage and industry sectors, and what risks we are predicting will be a focus throughout 2024.


Featured Column In Business Magazine: The Builders Risk Blueprint

Check out M3’s Ross Heginbottom’s column on Builders Risk Insurance, a form of property coverage designed specifically for builders’ risk, protecting against fire, theft, vandalism, and weather damage. It’s essential for builders, contractors, and property owners, offering financial protection during construction.

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Bush Heginbottom State of Build

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