S1-Ep 52: HSAs – Can an Employee Contribute to the HSA of a Spouse?

Senior Compliance Attorney
Our employee is covered under his spouse’s high deductible health plan at another employer. Our employee is not enrolled in our high deductible health plan. The employee’s spouse has an HSA or Health Savings Account. The question is, can our employee contribute to the HSA of the spouse?
This final episode of Comply on the Fly, Season 1 covers three scenarios around an employee contributing to the HSA of the spouse – with three different answers. Tune in so you know how to respond if your employee comes to you with a similar question.
Comply on the Fly will resume with Season 2 on November 1st.
Listen Time: 3 min 37 sec
Please Note: This podcast and the contents herein do not constitute legal advice. Seek the advice of counsel for any benefit compliance related implementation guidance or strategy.