S3-Ep 5: Why Belonging is Important in Business



In this episode of Fast Break, Matt and his guests, Beth Ridley (Founder & CEO of Ridley Consulting Group) and Alicia Kiser (Vice President of Human Resources at M3), discuss supporting employee authenticity and well-being, and building a work environment that values diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Tune to learn how to access language and resources you can use to help your work force feel accepted and appreciated.
Link to resources mentioned by Beth in this episode: ridleyconsultants.com/resources
It really just starts with a conversation. As a team, what could we all do to make sure that we create that environment where you don’t feel like you have to work hard to fit in, or where you feel like you can speak up and share your ideas? Because we really want that diversity of perspectives to lead to better decision making. It helps us all be better.
— Beth Ridley
Founder & CEO | Ridley Consulting Group
Diversity is everywhere, even when you can’t see it – introverts versus extroverts, different communication styles – [Be] conscious of… different kinds of diversity… It starts in so many other places, so be conscious about that when you’re facilitating a discussion, when you’re running a meeting, when you’re just interacting with another individual.
— Alicia Kiser
Vice President of Human Resources | M3