In Lovin’ Insurance: For Starters… I only began explaining why I’m so passionate about this industry, but I promised I would be back with more. Today, I’d like to talk more about the people who work in this field.
Remember all those kids who never even thought about insurance when asked, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Well, some of them grew up and, somehow, made it here. The type of talent the industry attracts – the quality of the people – is really something to see.
Another reason I love insurance.
Exceptional people come to work in this industry. I’m talking gifted, smart talent with a high “get it” factor. Some come in that way, and some grow into it. This industry is fluid enough to meet people where they are, and expansive enough to allow them to grow into where they want to be. Career planning in insurance (or at least at M3) is not linear. It can go sideways or diagonally, sometimes it even zig-zags or comes full circle. People have passion. And this industry – this broad, bright, promising industry – has enough breathing room to feed the fire… of the right people.
So who are the “right” people? People who know how to BE: an expert, proactive, responsive, and easy to do business with. It’s just how we do it and what we stand for – at M3. But all this extends beyond M3 too. I recently attended the CIAB conference. In a room full of insurance professionals, there were so many people I really wanted to hang out with. A whole community exuding excellence, integrity, and fun.
It might just be one of the best kept secrets… insurance people are cool.